What the best solution to changing Adsense Check?
I,m so despite because when I get my monthly check the Bank was deducted $30, it's equal with 270.000 Rupiahs. My monthly check is small around $150 so if my Adsense income was cutting 30 dollars in Bank Mandiri if so i have profit 120 dollars only. I had ever read that Google Adsense release paymeent through by western Union, but when I was checked in my account still not available fascilitate that available till now is delivery by check for Indonesian Adsenter.
I hope Google Adsense release paymeent issue by bank account it will be helpfull to many Adsenter iand will be save more money otherwise cahnging in the bank with charge of bank service. If any reader know waht the best way to change Adsense Check please inform to me.
I hope Google Adsense release paymeent issue by bank account it will be helpfull to many Adsenter iand will be save more money otherwise cahnging in the bank with charge of bank service. If any reader know waht the best way to change Adsense Check please inform to me.
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